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10 New Insights in Climate Science

Call for topics 2022


Invitation to contribute to the 2022 instalment of the 10 New Insights in Climate Science. This annual series is a major synthesis of essential and recent climate-related research and an important science-policy contribution.

Future Earth, The Earth League, and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) have been preparing 10 New Insights in Climate Science policy reports for six consecutive years, all officially received by the UNFCCC. The latest report was launched at COP26 in Glasgow, in a press conference with UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa. This publication series curates recent advances in climate change research across disciplines. The synthesis is submitted for peer-review and published in an academic journal. This synthesis underpins the development of the policy report which provides a climate science year-in-review for journalists, policy makers, and the informed general public.

The 10 New Insights in Climate Science 2022 started to be prepared and expertise is being scoped from around the globe for inputs on which key findings should be featured.

Recognizing your expertise in a relevant field, you are invited to contribute to this year’s effort, by answering this form by February 20, 2022.

The core of this questionnaire is this:

1) Give us your ’pitch’
What essential new insight on climate change, within your field of research, do you think must be highlighted for climate policy negotiators and the general public? (Please provide references for the suggested insight.)

The Editorial Board will decide on the final list of ten insights, based on the following criteria:
• The topic has high relevance for climate policy negotiations.
• The insight has a robust scientific foundation.
• The insight is new, with its key references published after January 1, 2021 (older references can be included as background)

2) Join the effort
Would you be interested in being part of one of the author groups responsible for one of the selected insights? Can you suggest other experts as potential authors? This role involves contributing as a co-author to the peer-reviewed paper.

The Editorial Board will select a list of authors from the nominations based on relevant expertise, aiming for scientific excellence and a diverse group. We invite 3-5 co-authors for each of the ten insights. Writing begins in March, with the plan to submit the manuscript by early July. Based on the peer-reviewed manuscript, the author teams, with support from staff science officers, will write a corresponding section for the policy report, explaining the findings in a condensed and simplified format for policymakers and the general public. The aim is for both to be published ahead of the UNFCCC COP27 (starting November 7, 2022).