28th annual ISDRS Conference
Sustainable development and courage: culture, art, and human rights
The conference special topic is the cultural dimensions of sustainability based on four keywords: culture, art, human rights and courage. Sustainable development is often referred to by mentioning the ecological, economic and social dimensions of sustainable development. Cultural issues are often brought forward as a widespread suggestion to a fourth dimension, allowing research not only on scientific grounds, but also on artistic grounds.
We come together with a conviction that changes towards a sustainable development need leaders and a leadership that build on courage to break with taken for granted practices and experiences. Not seldom, people leading change are persecuted and human rights are broken.
The conference in Stockholm in 2022 would like to bring forth knowledge, insights and experience from humanities to enrich and exchange with scholars from natural and social sciences; it would like to facilitate knowledge exchange between scholars undertaking research based on scientific grounds and scholars undertaking research based on artistic grounds.
More information about the conference and upcoming deadlines can be found here.