8th Potsdam Summer School 2022
Towards a Sustainable Transformation – Climate, Energy and Nature in a Changing World
With its overarching theme – “Towards a Sustainable Transformation – Climate, Energy and Nature in a Changing World” – the 8th Potsdam Summer School will in 2022 continue the transdisciplinary and interactive series of events that has been held annually in Potsdam, Germany since 2014.
Humankind is facing a huge challenge: Climate change threatens the foundations of life on our planet. To preserve these foundations, the fossil era must come to an end. This will lead to profound changes in our ways of producing goods, our means of transportation, and ultimately the way in which we live. We are at the beginning of a great transformation, which can bring benefits as well as new inequalities. It is important to shape this in a just and sustainable manner, while protecting the environment and thereby securing future life for people in all regions around the globe.
The aim of the Potsdam Summer School is to bring together talented early-career scientists and young professionals operating in the private sector, governmental agencies, and non-governmental organisations from many different parts of the world to discuss frontier (research) questions on future sustainable development.
More information can be found on the Potsdam summer school website.