Future Earth
Future Earth is a global network of scientists, researchers, and innovators dedicated to advancing research for a sustainable and equitable world, where societal decisions are informed by openly-accessible and shared knowledge. Future Earth helps integrate the latest science into global decision-making, engage in sustainability conversations, and fill critical knowledge gaps through transdisciplinary research, enabling businesses, cities, and governments to set and achieve meaningful, science-based targets.
Its global community, comprising of Global Research Networks, Regional Partners, and National and Local Networks, is coordinated by Secretariat-led Hubs. The 27 Global Research Networks explore human-environment interactions, and initiatives like the Earth Commission and Science-Based Pathways for Sustainability develop targets for land, water, and biodiversity systems. Publications such as the 10 New Insights in Climate Science and award-winning Anthropocene Magazine provide key understanding to guide decisions.
The 17-member Governing Council oversees the organization's scientific and strategic direction, while the General Assembly fosters knowledge-sharing and innovation. Supported by UNESCO, UNEP, ISC, and the Belmont Forum, Future Earth leverages these Custodian Organizations' networks and reputations to establish and support its mandate.