10 Must-Knows from Biodiversity Research 2022
Forest, corona, food and species death: research network releases '10 Must-Knows' on biodiversity
The "10 Must-Knows from Biodiversity Research," now published for the first time, range from climate stress for German forests and the restructuring of agriculture to the coronavirus that has jumped from animals to humans. The inventory on the preservation of nature as the basis of human life was compiled by 45 scientists from the Leibniz Biodiversity Research Network and colleagues. In the run-up to the World Summit on Nature, the UN Biodiversity Conference in Kunming, China, the report is intended to invite dialogue, according to the researchers. At the same time, they make specific demands of policymakers.
Press release of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Weblink to the full 10 Must-Knows on Biodiversity
Weblink to the Leibniz Biodiversity Research Network
Weblink to the currently ongoing preparatory meeting of the UN Bioversity Conference
Weblink to the World Nature Summit UN Bioversity Conference