10 New Insights in Climate Science 2025: Call for topics

The 10 New Insights in Climate Science series summarizes the latest results of climate research from the natural and social sciences for work at the interface between science and politics. Since 2017, the report has been presented annually at the COP together with the UNFCCC Executive Secretariat.
The joint initiative of Future Earth, the Earth League and the World Climate Research Program aims to ensure the availability of the latest and most relevant climate research findings for decision-makers, negotiators and the public.
Researchers from all disciplines in the field of climate research are invited to participate and submit their proposals using this form by January 31, 2025.
We look forward to your contribution:
Please complete the short questionnaire and let us know what new findings (discoveries, advances) from climate change research should be highlighted for policy makers, negotiators and the general public.
You can also express your interest in contributing as a co-author of the peer-reviewed paper that will form the basis of the policy report. The manuscripts of the 2023, 2022. 2021, 2020 issues have been published in the journal Global Sustainability.
10 NICS: Call for Input 2025